Azhar is an upcoming Indian biographical sports film directed by Tony D'Souza. It is based on the life of former Indian international cricketer, Mohammad Azharuddin. Azharuddin was accused of match-fixing but has a clean chit from A Division Bench of the Andhra Pradesh High Court set aside a previous lifetime banch. The lower court's order justified the life ban imposed on the former Indian Cricket captain, M Azharuddin, by the Board of Control for Cricket in India match-fixing scandal in 2000. The film is being produced by Ekta Kapoor,Shobha Kapoor. It is scheduled for release on 13 May 2016 and will main actor Emraan Hashmi is playing instade of Azharuddin alongside . The role of Naureen was first offered to Pakistani actress Urwa Hocane but she refused, stating she didn't want to do bold scenes.
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Azhar / 2016 Full Movie Online
Azhar is an upcoming Indian biographical sports film directed by Tony D'Souza. It is based on the life of former Indian international cricketer, Mohammad Azharuddin. Azharuddin was accused of match-fixing but has a clean chit from A Division Bench of the Andhra Pradesh High Court set aside a previous lifetime banch. The lower court's order justified the life ban imposed on the former Indian Cricket captain, M Azharuddin, by the Board of Control for Cricket in India match-fixing scandal in 2000. The film is being produced by Ekta Kapoor,Shobha Kapoor. It is scheduled for release on 13 May 2016 and will main actor Emraan Hashmi is playing instade of Azharuddin alongside . The role of Naureen was first offered to Pakistani actress Urwa Hocane but she refused, stating she didn't want to do bold scenes.